Sunday, October 21, 2012

On the Road Again...

Three days, seven different towns!  It was a very busy weekend for us.  Friday started out in Delton, both boys have school on Fridays (I will write more about their school days in a future post).  After school we were off to daycare and work.  Our weekend officially started on Friday night in Sparta to celebrate Grandpa Mosqueda's birthday.  We had a great dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Mosqueda and Leah and Rich.  One of the best part of the dinner was a comment from our server "Your boys are so well behaved."  After dinner we were off to Hudonsville for the NICU family reunion.  We got a chance show off the boys and too see some of the wonderful and talented people that took care of them while they were in the NICU. 

Saturday morning started out with boys going to Sensory Saturday at the Center for Childhood Development in Jenison.  This is one of the places that Nathan goes for therapy.  One Saturday a month they have these play groups that focus on sensory, motor and social skills.  Bob and I had three hours all to ourselves!  We had a chance to do some shopping and grab a bite to eat, it was just like our Saturday routine before we had the boys.  After we picked up the boys, we went to Robinette in Grand Rapids for family pictures.  Nathan has never been a fan of pictures and Saturday was no exception.  Two days of no naps and late nights and lots of running around makes for a very crabby Nathan.  We are hoping that she was able to get one good picture of the family and then each of the boys.  After pictures we went out to Holland for our third annual fall dinner and pumpkins carving night at Grandma and Grandpa Prins' house.  It was a great night of good fun, great company and crazy kids!

Today Nathan and I went to Hastings to get some groceries while Bob and Travis cleaned the house.  Nathan and I got a chance to a nap and catch up on some much needed rest while Bob and Travis took the boat out and played in the new sandbox.  The weekend is almost over and I feel like I need another day to relax before starting another week....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today I took the boys to the doctor for their flu shot.  Both boys handled the shots really well, with only a little bit of tears that were over as soon as the tech said "would you like a sticker."  Travis was really a trooper because he got to choose who went first and you guessed it, he chose Nathan.  He got to watch Nathan get his shot, knowing that he was next.
On our way out of the office, I said hi to one of the doctors that saw the boys quite often their first winter, when it seemed like we were in the office every other week because of illness.  I happened to look back at her as we were walking out of the office and noticed that she had pulled another doctor over and it was very obvious that they were talking about us, especially Nathan.  All the doctor could say was WOW!  WOW that Nathan is walking!  WOW that Nathan is talking!  WOW that Nathan is doing so many things that the doctors never thought he would!  He definitely is our little miracle!